Thursday 12 November 2020

12th day of gratitude

Today's prompt is Best Friend 

Where would we be without good friends?  Oh how very grateful I am for the wonderful people I have in my life that are my friends. People come in and out of your life at various times and I am finding it hard to choose just one person for today's prompt of 'Best Friend'.  I'm also aware that some people may not wish their photo to be shown on my blog so today I am going to share a photo of a photo taken back in 1974.  

I'm hoping that this still fits the criteria of the photos having to be taken in either October or November as I did actually take the photo of the photo today!  

Who could that girl with the bright auburn hair on the right be?  Yes, I really was a proper redhead.  Hated it then, grew to love it, and now it's a faded memory!  But the young lady in the top left is my friend Jill who has been my friend since 1972.  We've shared a lot of things over the years, good times and bad, and we both know that we will always be there for each other.  

Friends are such an important part of our lives aren't they?  They say that friends are the family you choose for yourself and that's very true.  I'm also very grateful that my children both have a lovely supportive group of friends that they made at school who are still there for them - a good friend is a wonderful blessing.

PS Daily update - We are back to doing Zumba today on Zoom and whilst it is good to continue the lessons this way, it was so lovely to be back in the hall for that brief period of time.  Oh well, we have got one week of Lockdown 2 under our belt, 25% done, only 3/4 left to go ... 


Patio Postcards said...

Friends are a gift that we give ourselves. Oh auburn hair is something that many wished for especially after the Weasley family was introduced to us! Making friends with our hair should be something we learn early on (col).

Let's hope that everyone is behaving with your Lockdown 2.0 - that way it can be over in 3 weeks.

Ruth said...

What a great photo! Your red hair was gorgeous!
Long-standing friends are just the best - I think of my closest friend as my other sister; she knows me inside out, knows all my secrets, has seen me at my worst and still loves me. :)

alexa said...

Super photo! I love your wonderful hair ... I'd never have guessed! It's very special to have a friend for such a long time, isn't it. I like the definition of a good friend as "someone who knows the song in your heart and sings it back to you when you've forgotten how it goes".

Barbara Eads said...

I love thise old friends photos. I just wish I had more. lI didn't even have a camera back then. I have to rely on school pictures!

♥ Liz ♥ said...

I would never have guessed you were a red head!!
I honestly don’t know where I’d be without my close friends. They have been there through my best and worst moments and still want to know me!! How wonderful is that?