Wednesday 4 November 2020

4th Day of Gratitude

 For the fourth day of gratitude I am sharing a favourite place to walk

This is the country park that is a very short walk from our house and I am so very grateful to have such a lovely tranquil place to visit so close to home.  This place was a welcome sanctuary when we were in lockdown, we were allowed outside to exercise or walk a dog for an hour a day and I can't think of a better place to be at any time of year.  

Hard to believe that when we moved to this house, this lake did not exist.  They dug it out when they built a new housing estate a little way away and it has just filled up naturally.  It's a haven for ducks and moorhens, and this year we even had two swans appear for a few days.  These ducks will never go hungry, it is a popular place for family walks.

My husband is part of a volunteer group who help with the park's maintenance and they work hard to keep it looking good and attract as much wildlife into the area as possible.  We are so lucky to have this five minutes walk from our front door.

PS Our last day before lockdown.  Our last day of looking after Max for at least a month 😢 I keep trying to reassure myself that this initial phase is 'only' for a month and then maybe they will lift a few restrictions and we may be able to see him again outdoors.  Then I also remind myself that I have a friend who has twin grandchildren who live in Australia who she only sees once every two years so I must put this in perspective!  It's a very strange day today, although we are really fortunate that we are both early-retirees so do not have to implement too many changes.  This time I must remember not to bake (and eat) so many cakes 😉 


Ruth said...

Wouldn't it be lovely to meet up there to walk Coco and Tilly together.
It's so hard not seeing the younger members of the family, isn't it - The Colombian just sent me our great nephews' school photos and I almost burst into tears (although that might be more to do with the news coming out of the US overnight ....!).

Patio Postcards said...

It is such a beautiful spot to walk. A walk in nature can usually restore the tired or anxious heart. Give Leo extra cuddles today.

Barbara Eads said...

Getting outside during lockdown is a MUST! It makes me feel less confined and more free. I'm happy to say that due to our lockdown last March, I've developed a new habit of getting out every day. At least it's one good thing that has come out of all this mess!

alexa said...

That's a lovely picture of your near-to-home sanctuary. All kudos to Paul for his sterling work in helping it flourish. It's amazing what Nature does when left to her own devices :).