Thursday 19 November 2020

19th Day of Gratitude

Today's prompt is Work 

I had to think carefully for this prompt because I took early retirement over two years ago now, so don't officially 'work' any more.  Instead I turned my attention to what I consider to be work around the home.  

Not just any old work, the worst work.  The work I put off for as long as humanly possible.  Ironing.

Oh how I detest ironing, and the minute you clear the pile, you do another batch of washing and guess what?  You have more ironing to do!  When I look back to the days when Paul was working and the kids were at school, I had 15 shirts to iron before you add all the casual clothes to the mix.  

But, having ironing to do means I have clothes to wear, a washing machine to do the hard work of washing for me, a washing line outside for drying in the good weather and a tumble drier for when it's raining that means I don't have to have wet washing draped over driers around the house.  So there is gratitude to be had for sure.

But the greatest thanks I have is when the pile of clothes above, turns into the neat, freshly ironed pile below.

Yes I do seem to have rather too many striped tops!

PS Daily update - Today is my Zumba from home morning, plus I also offered to make the sponge cake for Rosie's birthday - I will hand it over to Rachel for icing tomorrow. I'm more than happy to do the baking, but don't have the patience for the decorating - I'll leave that to R's expertise!

Yesterday, while taking Max out for a bit of a walk we happened to walk past (who am I kidding?  I have been planning to go to this shop since the first lockdown!) a chocolate shop called Hill St.  At the beginning of the year they were visited by Jamie Oliver as part of his Friday Night Feast programme (more info here) and I have been anxious to visit ever since! The chocolate is hand made, and oh so delicious.  It is expensive but the quality is so good that you don't need to eat lots to satisfy that chocolate craving.  And one of their dark chocolate moulded shapes is just the perfect reward for a morning slaving over a hot iron 😉


Patio Postcards said...

Nice reward for a job well done. I cannot remember the last time I had the iron out.

Ruth said...

I'm one of those people who like ironing, although I'm not fond of the overly full ironing basket. I like that there are clear divisions when you get to the end - an empty basket and a lovely, neat stack of clothes ready to wear (put that down to a touch of OCD). Mind you, all those years in the military helped to ingrain a love of a freshly-ironed shirts (complete with darts that had to ironed to a point and a certain length!).

Barbara Eads said...

I started ironing as a teen for the neighbors to earn money. Early in my marriage, I didn't mine ironing because I watched soap operas while I did it. I don't know when that all changed. Now I hate to iron. I think it's because if I have to do it, I have to do it in the laundry room where there is not a tv! I don't have that much ironing, so it's not so bad. I tend to be the type to just iron what I need when I need it! said...

So glad you were able to treat yourself with a walk with Max to the chocolate shop after suffering through your pile of ironing. I never seem to be without something to iron. I have a basket full right now. Tomorrow is ironing day, though.

Wonder how Rosie's cake turned out. Did Rachel decorate it on a theme? I was never much of a cake decorator but then I didn't get much practice. Neither of my girls wanted cake for their birthdays. They preferred large cookies.

Susanne said...

Good for you on the ironing. I have managed to avoid it this entire pandemic. Going to church virtually means we have not been wearing anything that needs ironing. Hubby has only had 2 occasions where he needed a pressed shirt, and he still has an ample supply from the dry cleaners. We have always sent his dress shirts out when he was working, and still do. But this reminds me that even though I only have 2 shirts to drop off, he probably still has some there to be picked up. Yikes!

alexa said...

Always satisfying to bring order out of chaos :). I hate putting clothes a way more than ironing - I usually do the latter when I feel cold because it warms me up!

Liz said...

Chocolate as a treat for doing the ironing.....I shall have to remember that one :0)