Wednesday 18 November 2020

18th Day of Gratitude

 Today's prompt is Hobby

So as I have already shown my collection of knitted socks, today I will share one of my other hobbies - sewing

I've enjoyed sewing for years, probably since I was in my teens and learnt sewing at school.  I can't imagine not having a sewing machine and am always on speed dial whenever someone in the family has a sewing/mending emergency.  Needless to say that once masks became mandatory in the UK, I was soon delving into my box of remnant fabrics to go into production!  The project under the needle in this photo is a mending challenge, my husband had managed to tear one of his favourite shirts, thankfully it was a simple repair.  

My favourite projects are patchwork quilts although I haven't made one for a while, maybe I will start the investigation for a pattern to make a quilt in the new year to finish off the new look lounge.  The problem I find is choosing the fabric, it's all well and good to scroll though the online shops but there's nothing quite like going into a shop and actually seeing and feeling the fabrics.  Maybe in the new year?

PS Daily update - today we will be popping to see little Max for an hour or so, to take him out for a walk so his Mum and Dad can get on with working from home.  So long as we stay outdoors we don't have to consider it a childminding bubble, just walking for exercise.  Also, don't tell Coco but R and her family are probably getting a puppy!  Now they will have a larger house, they will have room and although Coco is really R's dog, she has lived with us for so many years now, it wouldn't seem fair to give her back - she is used her routine here and I'm not sure that, as a more mature lady of nine years old, she would enjoy having children around all day every day!  I will share more news and and when we know more.


Patio Postcards said...

I envy your skill at the sewing machine. I like that plaid fabric of Paul's shirt.

Ruth said...

I can just about sew a button on, so I am always in awe of people who can sew properly (you and my lovely SiL to name two).

A new puppy? Hurrah!

Wildflower Adventures said...

When our daughter married & moved out, her dog stayed with us. The dog even moved with us across the country & lived with us till her death. We didn't have another indoor dog for years till recently when I got Rose. She is a Boston Terrier. I used to sew dresses for our daughter when she was a little girl. I started work full time & never got back into that kind of sewing groove. I've made a few quilts & quilted them using the tack method. My hobby is photography. - Karen

Jennifer said...

Hooray for a chance to see Max today! What fun! Hope it is a beautiful day. So very windy here this morning! And extra hooray for new puppies....that will be even more fun!:)

Barbara Eads said...

I have a sewing machine, but I only use it for scrapbooking---and not that often! I've sewn a few things in my life, but never learned properly. Just refilling the bobbin is a major ordeal for me. As a result, I've always admired people who can sew! said...

Mum's the word. I won't say a thing to Coco. And Rachel's pup-to-be is precious. But Coco will always be special.

I wish I had learned to sew. My parents would not let me take any kind of homemaking course in school. My mom sewed very well but I think that made it hard for her to teach me. I am impatient and don't have much common sense, so when I didn't get it right away it was a frustration to both of us. I tried as an adult to learn, bought a sewing machine made a dress but ugh...still didn't feel comfortable sewing. It is a skill, a talent I admire tremendously.

alexa said...

Hoping you had a lovely time with Max ... Such a useful skill to be able to sew and use a machine. My Mum taught me, ad I've always been grateful. Enjoying your posts!

Liz said...

I did a lot of sewing when I was younger, both machine and hand sewing. Now I just stick to crochet. Good luck with the new quilt project. I'll look forward to seeing it.