Friday 20 November 2020

20th Day of Gratitude

 Today's prompt is Play

Hmm ... play.  What do I play with?  Who do I play with?  Well in normal times the answer would be duplo, farms, teddy bear picnics, race tracks and all the kind of things that little children want Nanny to join in with.  But, you know, lockdown - there's been little playing going on here!  But I have been jigsaw puzzling, does that count as playing?  

I have a friend who runs a jigsaw swap circle and so there is never a lack of puzzles to be had.  There's something quite compulsive about having a jigsaw on the table, I can't walk past it without seeing if I can add just one more piece.

PS Daily update - My friend who lives in Florida has had a positive test for Covid 😢 apparently she lost her sense of taste and smell at the weekend then developed a headache so had a test to be on the safe side.  This is only the second person that I actually know who has contracted it. Let's hope she is one of those who only has mild symptoms.  We've finished our second week of lockdown 2 here, so half way through and the rumours about relaxing rules in time for Christmas, and also the possibility of a vaccine in the new year are all encouraging.

In other news - we woke up to a frost this morning!  That's the first this year - Winter is coming!


Patio Postcards said...

WOW that puzzles looks difficult - well done.

I do hope your friend in Florida will be OK.

Barbara Eads said...

We have completed more puzzles during the pandemic than we have our entire 49 years! We've slowed down with them, but will probably get back to it now that it's getting cold. said...

My sister's mother-in-law leaves a game of scrabble out and she and her husband take turns. I would love to keep a puzzle out and have but it never gets worked. Unless you call working the puzzle what the kitties do with it by knocking the pieces to the ground and batting them about.

I am so sorry to hear about your friend testing positive for Covid. I hope she has a mild case and is soon back on her feet.

Hope you got lots of Rosie snuggles.

Susanne said...

Well done on the puzzle. I pulled one out early on, but we have just never felt the urge to start it. Maybe when the weather turns cold, it will have more appeal.

alexa said...

Well done on that jigsaw - it doesn't look easy. I envy those who enjoy it, as it must be a great sense of satisfaction when you are able to put a piece in place. Hoping your friend will be OK ...

Liz said...

Oh Gosh I haven't done a jigsaw in years (unless you count the big piece ones when S was little). They can be very addictive.

This West London Life said...

As you know, I love jigsaws! I don't have one on the go at the moment, but I happen to know there'll be one for me under the Christmas tree. :) Yours looks like it will have taken hours to complete.