Monday 23 November 2020

23rd Day of Gratitude

 Today's prompt is Books

I am so close to the finishing post with this gratitude project and yet nearly came a cropper today - I thought I had a post drafted and schedule to go live this morning and guess what?  I didn't!  I can't fail this close to the end!

So let me introduce you to a selection of my cookery books, I do love a new cookery book and have to restrain myself when I realise that I already have probably far too many.  Having said that, I do use them a lot and if you were to see the other side to the book you would see many post it notes and sticky tabs on the edges of the pages, marking tried and tested recipes that I return to time and time again.  You will note there seems to be favourites in there, you can never go wrong with a Mary Berry recipe, nor a Jamie Oliver!  The Gino Di Campo books are actually Paul's, and have been the ones which have inspired him to learn to cook since retiring.  He loves all things Italian and Gino's recipes are easy to follow and delicious to eat - they have been a very worthwhile purchase!

PS Daily Update - Have spent most of today helping with keeping Rosie occupied while Rachel continues to pack.  Fortunately her husband seems to be feeling a bit better and was working in London today so fingers continue to be crossed on that front.  Paul has helped by taking a bootful of 'stuff' to the local tip and as we went home this afternoon, I felt that with one day to go, they are now organised and the amount of packing is definitely doable.  If you had asked me how I felt when I was there on Saturday afternoon, it would have been a very different answer!  

Time to go downstairs and find out what Boris has said about the next stage once we leave lockdown.  Rachel had always said that if they were in their new home by Christmas she wanted to host the day and it seems like we will be allowed to do that so woo hoo!  What a treat to be a Christmas guest and not a Christmas chef!


Susanne said...

So glad that he is feeling better, and I am sure keeping Rosie occupied did help Rachel a great deal with the packing. Don't you love that moment in every big project where the impossible tips over into be the probable. Christmas in a new home will be a memorable holiday I am sure - especially if everybody can be there to enjoy it.

Patio Postcards said...

Good news that your SiL is feeling better & not needing surgery. Moving house is all hands on deck & won't that be nice if allowed to celebrate Christmas with them in their new home.

This West London Life said...

I like a cook book, but then forget to actually consult it...
Wouldn't it be lovely if we could be with family at Christmas? I'm holding out for an invitation from The Brainy Boy and The Colombian, as they have the most space (so glad they moved house just before lockdown!).

Liz said...

I only seem to have diet cook books at the moment and every time I watch Mary Berry I tell her off for using too much butter and cream!!
Lovely news about Christmas and what a treat not to have to cook.

Barbara Eads said...

I love that you say "cookery" books. Here, it's just cookbooks! Everything you say "over there" always sounds so much more refined and elegant!